Covid 19 Update
Well Happy New Year….
We hope you enjoyed the festive period and have all been safe during this difficult time, currently Clyde Outboard Services is closed to the public and only operating a skeleton staff for essential emergency workshop/callout applications and parts dispatch. We are currently building the “shop” section of the website to allow on-line ordering so if in the meantime there is something you wish to purchase please call 01475 744555 or email us through the website to check availability.
Mobile servicing/diagnostics will hopefully commence in February/March but only under strict guidelines, precautions and depending on travel restrictions.
In keeping with Government guidelines the business will be manned by myself at times from home for the safety of staff and when we can increase our capacity and adhere to social distancing rules we will open our premises.
I would ask you to bear with us if we are not able to deal with your enquiry as quickly as we normally do and we thank you for your continued support and look forward to recommencing our working relationship with you.
Kind Regards, stay safe.